Mortlac - I'm struggling to choose without knowing the other classes. I've played clerics or wizards pretty much exclusively in the last 10 years... Warpriest? Shaman? Inquisitor? - Craig Delphine's Barros (Human Swashbuckler) - Henry
Cuichelm (Wizard) Guthmund (Ranger) Adwulf (Rogue) Eadfrid (Fighter)
Akiak (Ninja) Aeleva (Rogue) Koro (Brawler) Artur (Wizard) Waltham (Gunslinger) Miriam (Barbarian) Finduilas (Paladin) Vaddyn (Bard)
Linden (Elf Wizard (androgynous, gender not specified ;-)), David) Jin Shysh (Half-elf Fighter, Delphine) Mary Fledgling (Kzinti Ranger, Hannele) Andrei (Silver-tongued Human Rogue, Henry)