Planetoid of Andor

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The Planetoid of Andor is a world containing plant-based sentients, where people of ordinary races form a bond with plant-based familiars.


The terrain is forest-based with well-spaced tall and thick trees. Settlements are built into the surroundings. Some raised habitations (like Ewok villages), the occasional stone-built settlements in clearings, potentially cave/mine complexes, wizard towers hollowed out of a single tree etc. but no cities and no major aquatic biomes.

PC Choices:

  • A core race with a plant familiar (I found Creeper Ivy, Dweomer Cap, Flowering Lattice, Petrifern, Ravenous Tumbleweed, Razor Fern and Suture Vine in the familiar list)
  • A plant-based life form: Vine Leshy, Gathlain or Ghoran (I didn't see any others).

There is a feat in Ultimate Wilderness called Familiar Bond that the core race characters get for free which gives a familiar without some of the features. The features can be added back in by taking the improved version of the feat.

Other info:

  • 20 point buy.
  • 3rd level characters
  • 3000 gp starting gold (no crafting other than brew potion as minimal level is 3rd)
  • Two traits
  • Background skills