Forest of Andor/In the trees
As the party as discussing how to proceed, they are surprised by another Vine Leshy who bursts out onto on the back of a Gecko.
First thing in the morning, the party descend the tree-case and following directions from the guard at the bottom, head North on a slightly overgrown trail. The trail heads North and reaches a smelly bog, where Jadrol quickly chooses the Westerly path.
Approaching the junction, Cordon picks out the snuffling noises typical of a boar, whereupon the beast comes charging out of the bushes to the West. Jadrol and Grel attack the Boar, and nimbly avoiding Callas Entangle spell, it comes running up to Jadrol squealing in his face.
Abruptly, 2 more boars appear as if from nowhere to hassle the party.
A crazed boar charges Riva the Gecko, impaling itself on Cordons spear, driving itself on and on and pushing the mounted pair 10' back towards the swamp.
After killing or chasing them off, Calla and Grel spot a foot sticking out of the muddy ground.
The limb turns out to be attached to a humanoid in soggy leather armour, and Cordons attempt to interrogate the nearby bushes placed the death at about 2 weeks ago.
Looks like the scout had been killed by a boar (shock!)
On the body is:
- 14s 3cp
- Campfire BEad
- Fine looking shortbow
- [[1]]