Meeting at Del's Sept 2015

From David's Notebook
Revision as of 19:55, 18 March 2010 by Craig (talk | contribs)
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Meeting at Craig's in Darwen, May some time


30th of April to 3rd of May; 14th to 17th and 21st to 24th of May are good for me -- Craig

30 April to 3 May, or 14 May to 17 May good for me. Other weekends already have commitments -- Henry
All dates work for me. Hannele
Any date in April and May is good -- David 10:19, 18 March 2010 (UTC)


Flight times: Bert -

Hannele - As usual I'll opt for an early flight, so I can be in Manchester at the end of the morning. I'll also check for flights TO Manchester, but I'm not optimistic about that possibility.

(please try to co-ordinate for a combined Manchester pickup)


Supermarket on the way back from pickup. Usually the shopping bill is split between the 5 of us. Let me know if you're unhappy with this.
Can you let me know of anything that you would like by adding it to the shopping_list please.

Planned Activities


Tip for a potential DM: You could try here for some premade ones (I have read "A dark and Stormy Knight", which seemed reasonable - but is obviously spoiled for me). Not sure of the quality of the rest. Or you can try to build something around the things here -- Craig

Level ? D&D - ?? as DM


  • 3.5 rules - Alternative Base classes are OK. Don't go too OTT though, I'm not an experienced DM.
  • Swift and Immediate actions allowed.
  • No psionics
  • Stats - 4d6 take highest 3 - I'm sure that I can trust you all to do this on your own.
  • No evil characters
  • House rules - Quick potions; No XP cost for spells, but if you create a lot of stuff lose the XP and maybe be a lower starting level.


Player Character Class Race
Craig ?? [?? ??
David ?? ?? ??
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry ?? ?? ??


Late morning suggestion

  • Morning dog walk for those wanting to join me -- Craig

Level ? D&D game - ? as DM

Same rules as above?


Player Character Class Race
Bert ?? Flavourless Soulsucker (mandatory) ??
David [?? ?? ??
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry ?? ?? ??


Late morning suggestion

  • The usual tower walk -- Craig

Afternoon suggestions

  • Ten-pin Bowling?

Evening Suggestions

  • More D&D??
  • TV chillout