Meeting at Del's Sept 2015
Who knows when or where..?
My house is available as always.-- Craig
Doodle set up: - please complete!
Doodle indicates one of May 24, May 31, June 7 or June 28. Delphine, any preference? I'm quite keen on June 7th as Sarah will be off at a hen do that weekend. Henry
- That's a good weekend for me - Craig
I suggest the usual arrangements! Usually the shopping bill is split between all of us. Let me know if you're unhappy with this.
Can you let me know of anything that you would like by adding it to the shopping_list please.
Planned Activities
All needs updating
Henry's Game
Updated: I've got a couple of ideas for a game, as usual; it'll be Pathfinder because that's all I really know these days. If other people are keen to DM, they're welcome.
Pathfinder PvP Battle Game
- PLEASE - remonstrate loudly if you dislike this idea! - Craig
A level 13 deathmatch (25 point-buy characters) in an arena with a Random event generator.
Average HP (d6: 6 + 42 = 48 + Con bonus; d8: 8 + 56 = 64 + Con bonus; d10: 10 + 70 = 80 + Con bonus; d12: 12 + 84 = 96 + Con bonus)
The arena will be 26 x 28 squares
It will have 3d features such as scalable buildings, elevated platforms and gantries and 1m high walls. There will be both regular and difficult terrain in the form of areas with stone, sand, grass etc. as well as trees and more dense shrubbery.
Some rules
- The opposing teams will be comprised of identical characters. We'll need to work out how this is done, though I'm happy to do it as I enjoy character creation. -- Craig
- Characters will not be able to buff for 30 minutes before the start (effects lasting longer than this can be pre-applied)
- Characters will enter the arena in initiative order by being (safely) teleported to a random location in the arena.
- Each character will have 2 rounds of prep time (a buff buffer) before the teleport.
- Flying is acceptable (not quite sure how we do that with minis) but there is a ceiling height of 50 feet. Characters who go higher than 50 feet, for any reason, will be deemed to have exited the contest and be disqualified.
- Other creatures:
- Companions, summons etc. enter at the same time and in the same location, but can have a different place in initiative order (if higher, they can act before the PC, but return to normal initiative order in round 2).
The plan is for two teams each with 6 characters (two/three per player).
If it's at my house we have lots of room and sleeping bags / duvets a'plenty. - Craig