Meeting at Del's Sept 2015

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Meeting at Craig's in Darwen, 28th-31st of March


Flights booked - Arrive at Liverpool on Friday 09.05, depart Monday at 17.45 - Bert

David and I are coming by car; we'll be arriving around 1600h on Friday and leaving Monday a.m. - Henry

My flight arrives at Liverpool on Friday 12.15, and I leave Monday at 19.15 - Hannele

Planned Activities

Game 1

Type? - Friday? - DM?

I could run a game but would prefer to play instead. Perhaps someone who hasn't DMed before could try a short game? Bert? -- David

Hmm I'll think about it. Does anyone know of a good source of pre-made adventures?-- Bert
You could try here for some premade ones (I have read "A dark and Stormy Knight", which seemed reasonable - but is obviously spoiled for me). Not sure of the quality of the rest. Or you can try to build something around the things here -- Craig
I, too, have read "Dark and Stormy Knight". It seemed entertaining enough; there's always going to be good ones and bad ones. As a first-time DM, particularly for a short session, you may find it easier to run a "kick in the door" style game than a roleplay-heavy "talk the politics" game. As for level, IMO low-level games are easier rules-wise, and faster, but there's something satisfying about being of a high-enough level to take things down hard. -- Henry
Ok, I'll do it. I've narrowed it down to 3 from the first link that Craig specified. If you read any of them please let me know, and if you haven't then DONT! :) Bert

Level 1 or 3 D&D - Friday? - Bert as DM (Be nice!)


--Add yours here--

Player Character Class Race
Craig ?? ?? ??
David ?? ?? ??
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry? ?? ?? ??

Game 2

Level 1 D&D game - Saturday? - Craig as DM

A new adventure that I want to continue at a later date.


Playing two characters doesn't work so well in my experience. -- David
Point noted :-) -- Craig
Which rules books are currently "in"? I have a number of ideas but don't want to do too much prep. until I know if my character will be of any use. I might be keen to try one of the more exotic arcane classes (warmage, or Truenamer, perhaps...) -- Henry
3.5 rules - Alternative Base classes should be OK as long as they're official, but no psionics. Don't go too OTT though, I'm not an experienced DM with the basics, never mind additions. -- Craig
Wouldn't mind knowing this myself. Been thinking of something like the Swashbuckler or Hexblade from Complete Adventurer. -- Bert

--Add yours here--

Player Character Class Race
Bert ?? ?? ??
David Wolder? Ranger Wood elf
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry? ?? ?? ??


Late morning suggestion

  • A nice walk up the hill to the tower (takes less than an hour, but is relatively steep) -- Craig

Afternoon suggestions

  • Ten-pin Bowling?
  • Bring a laptop for Half-Life/Counter Strike deathmatches? Or a multi-player NWN/BG2 game?
 It's only a suggestion - we can do plenty of other things
 I have a laptop and a desktop that we can do this on so we'd only need 3 more. 
 I have a wired hub, or wireless.
 The original Half-Life can be installed on multiple machines :-O (and I have it) -- Craig
I don't have a laptop. -- David
I do have a laptop; it's a Vista beast and the wireless can be finicky at times. I don't have either HL or CS, so would need to do some quick cheeky installing... -- Henry
I´ll bring my laptop plus NWN and BG2. -- Hannele

Evening Suggestions

  • Are we mad enough to attempt another game of OOTS?
  • More D&D??