Meeting at Del's Sept 2015

From David's Notebook
Revision as of 12:52, 10 March 2008 by Craig (talk | contribs) (Added link to Wizards' PHB2 excerpt)
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Meeting at Craig's in Darwen, 28th-31st of March


Flights booked - Arrive at Liverpool on Friday 09.05, depart Monday at 17.45 - Bert

David and I are coming by car; we'll be arriving around 1600h on Friday and leaving Monday a.m. - Henry

My flight arrives at Liverpool on Friday 12.15, and I leave Monday at 19.15 - Hannele

Planned Activities


I could run a game but would prefer to play instead. Perhaps someone who hasn't DMed before could try a short game? Bert? -- David

Hmm I'll think about it. Does anyone know of a good source of pre-made adventures?-- Bert
You could try here for some premade ones (I have read "A dark and Stormy Knight", which seemed reasonable - but is obviously spoiled for me). Not sure of the quality of the rest. Or you can try to build something around the things here -- Craig
I, too, have read "Dark and Stormy Knight". It seemed entertaining enough; there's always going to be good ones and bad ones. As a first-time DM, particularly for a short session, you may find it easier to run a "kick in the door" style game than a roleplay-heavy "talk the politics" game. As for level, IMO low-level games are easier rules-wise, and faster, but there's something satisfying about being of a high-enough level to take things down hard. -- Henry
Ok, I'll do it. I've narrowed it down to 3 from the first link that Craig specified. If you read any of them please let me know, and if you haven't then DONT! :) Bert

Level 1 D&D - Bert as DM (Be nice!)


Player Character Class Race
Craig Mardek Knight Dwarf
David ?? ?? ??
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry? ?? ?? ??


Level 1-3 D&D game - Craig as DM

A new adventure that I want to continue at a later date.

  • If you've read the Dungeon master for Dummies book - let me know!! My planned adventures are in there.
  • I can make this anywhere from level 1-3, I'm happy with whatever you guys want to play. I'm leaning towards level 3.
  • 3.5 rules - Alternative Base classes are OK. Don't go too OTT though, I'm not an experienced DM.
  • Swift and Immediate actions allowed.
  • No psionics
  • Stats - 4d6 take highest 3 - I'm sure that I can trust you all to do this on your own.
  • House rules - Quick potions; No XP cost for spells or item creation


Player Character Class Race
Bert ?? Favoured Soul Half elf
David Wolder? Ranger Wood elf
Hannele ?? ?? ??
Henry? ?? ?? ??


Late morning suggestion

  • A nice walk up the hill to the tower (takes less than an hour, but is relatively steep) -- Craig

Afternoon suggestions

  • Ten-pin Bowling?
  • Bring a laptop for Half-Life/Counter Strike deathmatches? Or a multi-player NWN/BG2 game?
 It's only a suggestion - we can do plenty of other things
 I have a laptop and a desktop that we can do this on so we'd only need 3 more. 
 I have a wired hub, or wireless.
 The original Half-Life can be installed on multiple machines :-O (and I have it) -- Craig
I don't have a laptop. -- David
I do have a laptop; it's a Vista beast and the wireless can be finicky at times. I don't have either HL or CS, so would need to do some quick cheeky installing... -- Henry
I´ll bring my laptop plus NWN and BG2. -- Hannele

Evening Suggestions

  • Are we mad enough to attempt another game of OOTS?
  • More D&D??