David's Notebook:Critical Hit Inn

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Revision as of 22:15, 24 April 2006 by David (talk | contribs)
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The place to ask your questions etc.

Remember, to sign your messages with ~~~~. Delphine 00:46, 22 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Where do I do this character sheet thingie?--Hobbit Feet 21:46, 13 Dec 2005 (GMT)

OK so I've done that on my user page, but how do I do stuff like create a page? I want to do one for the contents of the bag of holding, then people can edit it. Also, How did Delphine create multiple pages for her characters? If it's possible for me to do it, it's hidden away somewhere crazy.--Hobbit Feet 22:03, 13 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Creating new pages is simple: Just create a wiki link to the (as yet) non-existant page and click on the link to start editing the new page.
For example: Huerney's Bag of Holding
-- David 17:58, 23 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Getting there, so all I need to work out now is how to get the carriage returns to work properly in the text I pasted in! Hobbit Feet 13:09, 18 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Could someone please let me know the location of the IRC server? My history window is playing up. Woe! Henry 17:15, 23 Mar 2006 (GMT)

Hobbit Feet 09:37, 28 Mar 2006 (BST) ==> Server = irc.starchat.net; channel = #criticalhit :D

Hobbit Feet 18:31, 8 Apr 2006 (BST) ==> Did Adrin stab his brother in the neck with a halfspear? ;P

Bert 13:00, 9 Apr 2006 (BST) ==> He tried to, but managed to throw the spear over a handy cliff instead

Bert 12:45, 24 Apr 2006 (BST) ==> Has the big d6 at the top left changed? Its running over on the right (In work - IE6)

Uh. No. It is bigger than it's supposed to be though. I wonder if that's the problem. -- David 23:15, 24 Apr 2006 (BST)