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When traveling about her domains she flies upon an advespa, with a pair of erinyes escorts and two advespa scouts.
When traveling about her domains she flies upon an advespa, with a pair of erinyes escorts and two advespa scouts.

If she visits the material plane she conceals her bat-like wings with magic but cannot hide her sharp teeth nor her red eyes.
If she visits the material plane she conceals her feathered wings with magic but cannot hide her sharp teeth nor her red eyes.


Revision as of 23:09, 13 January 2009

Information in this section contains spoilers for the Shadow and Flame campaign.

Information in this section is for DMs.

Size/Type Half-Fiend, 11th-Level Fighter
Medium Outsider
Hit Dice 100 hp [11d10+30 (90 hp)]
Initiative +4
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), Fly 30 ft. (average)
Armour class 29 (+6 armour, +3 natural, +4 shield, +4 Dex, +2 Deflection),
touch 14, flatfooted 23
Base Attack/Grapple +11/+17
Attack Nightsword +22 (1d8+11, 16-20/x2)
Full Attack Nightsword +22/+17/+12 (1d8+11, 16-20/x2)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks Smite Good (1/day, +11 damage)
Special Qualities 10 acid, 10 cold, 10 electricity, and 10 fire resistance,
Darkvision (60 ft.), Immunity to poison,
5/good or silver damage reduction, 21 spell resistance
Saves Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +7
Abilities Str 22, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 14
Skills Bluff (7) +9, Listen (7) +8, Intimidate (14) +16, Ride (14) +18,
Sense Motive (7) +8, Spot (7) +8
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword),
Improved Critical (longsword), Mobility, Quick Draw, Spring Attack,
Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword),
Whirlwind Attack
Environment Lower Planes of Darkness
Challenge Rating 13
Treasure As equipped
Alignment Lawful evil
Advancement By character class
Level Adjustment +4

Asmerdyas is a female half-field of exceptional yet eerie beauty. She rules with a host of erinyes from a castle of black basalt on one of the Lower Planes of Darkness.

When traveling about her domains she flies upon an advespa, with a pair of erinyes escorts and two advespa scouts.

If she visits the material plane she conceals her feathered wings with magic but cannot hide her sharp teeth nor her red eyes.


  • Nightsword, adamantine keen longsword +3
  • Mithral chain shirt +3
  • Small steel shield +3
  • Ring of protection +2
  • Amulet of natural armour +2
  • Cloak of resistance +3

Spell-like Abilities

  • Blasphemy (DC 19)
  • Contagion (DC 15)
  • Poison (3/day, DC 15)
  • Unholy Blight (DC 16)
  • Desecrate (DC 14)
  • Darkness (3/day, DC 14)