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Maybe its just my machine, but be warned!
Maybe its just my machine, but be warned!
:These [http://forums.rpghost.com/showthread.php?s=8e9e238e970b1a301b18c1edee9a9a4d&t=52846 upgrade instructions] might be useful. -- [[User:David|David]] 09:43, 9 April 2007 (BST)
:These [http://forums.rpghost.com/showthread.php?s=8e9e238e970b1a301b18c1edee9a9a4d&t=52846 upgrade instructions] might be useful. -- [[User:David|David]] 09:43, 9 April 2007 (BST)
::As Hannele had upgraded, and is the new DM, I thought I ought to too. Unfortunately, I can't get the editor to open for weapons on the d20 character sheets that we use, so I've had to do all my new characters in a 3.5e character sheet. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do critical hits, and also does not have the spell lists for clerics ''How the hell am I going to enter all spells up to level 9 for a cleric??''
::As Hannele had upgraded, and is the new DM, I thought I ought to too. Unfortunately, I can't get the editor to open for weapons on the d20 character sheets that we use, so I've had to do all my new characters in a 3.5e character sheet. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do critical hits, and also does not have the spell lists for clerics ''How the hell am I going to enter all spells up to level 9 for a cleric??'' -- [[User:Craig|Craig]] 17:25, 9 April 2007 (BST)

Revision as of 16:25, 9 April 2007

The place to ask your questions etc.


Remember, to sign your messages with ~~~~. Delphine 00:46, 22 Nov 2005 (GMT)

To keep the thread of a conversation - use colons at the start of paragraphs (like this sentence) to indent replies. -- David 21:48, 10 May 2006 (BST)

Another Meet

Shall we have another meet? If so, where and when? -- Craig 18:40, 1 April 2007 (BST)

Table of Contents

Use __TOC__ to place a table of contents or __NOTOC__ to supress it. Please don't go overboard removing them though; I find them useful. -- David 17:08, 11 May 2006 (BST)

General Stuff

  • Location of the IRC server: irc.freenode.net; channel = #criticalhit
  • Stuff marked DM Only really just means it's of most interest to DMs. Stuff players shouldn't look at yet are tagged with a big red spoilers warning. -- David 08:55, 19 Sep 2006 (BST)


Is there any chance that we can change the way that we play so that whispers made to players who have gone off to reconnoitre etc. can be seen by all? If we were around a table we would all get to hear what's going on, and it helps those of us a bit bored in the waiting. I think that this should be OK provided that the players not there don't use the information that they read in their character roleplaying - e.g. "Maybe we should go and see what's going on over there". Opinions? Craig

I supppose if its something the player is immediately going to tell the rest of the party then there's no real reason to keep it quiet. In the case of a sneaky rogue the situation is a bit more grey. A bit of personal judgement would go a long way. Bert 21:57, 21 Aug 2006 (BST)
I guess you can mix the two. For things that the other players are going to see anyway, or that the scout is going to tell, you can do the describing without whispering. For things that require the use of a skill by the player where he makes a succesfull roll (search and such) whisper should be used to allow the player to do what he wants. I like the use of whispering for short actions (spot, listen) so that the player can use and rephrase in their own words and choose how they tell the others. But it's true that for longer actions, it gets boring for those not playing. Delphine 22:06, 24 Aug 2006 (BST)
On the other hand: sometimes it is nice for the whispering/whispered player to not let the others know what's going on. Perhaps the DM could ask, in whisper, what the player wants to do: share now or share later. It might be an idea to tell the others there's a whisper going on and that the DM will be returning shortly. Hannele 22:44, 2 Sep 2006 (BST)

OPRG 1.7.3

Well, since the autoupdater wouldn't work I thought I try the manual install. This resulted in ORPG not starting at all. Turns out I've also got to upgrade Python, so I do that and wxPython. This then gives me a ORPG that starts, but wont open any character sheets! Lucky enough I've still got 1.6.3 and the old Python stuff. Maybe its just my machine, but be warned!

These upgrade instructions might be useful. -- David 09:43, 9 April 2007 (BST)
As Hannele had upgraded, and is the new DM, I thought I ought to too. Unfortunately, I can't get the editor to open for weapons on the d20 character sheets that we use, so I've had to do all my new characters in a 3.5e character sheet. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do critical hits, and also does not have the spell lists for clerics How the hell am I going to enter all spells up to level 9 for a cleric?? -- Craig 17:25, 9 April 2007 (BST)