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  • [[Category:General Setting]]
    28 bytes (3 words) - 07:25, 25 March 2009
  • [[Category:General Setting]]
    916 bytes (156 words) - 07:42, 25 March 2009
  • stone: they prefer mobility and a semi-nomadic lifestyle. With the sun setting, Cuichelm conjured a shelter for the night, which kept everyone safe until ..., remembering his haunting, and wondered if this was the same: the cyclops general who had become a terrifying spirit, millennia in the future. With no bette
    30 KB (5,270 words) - 09:21, 26 April 2022
  • * Grigor and Tomas: ex-bandits, working as general menial help for Oleg. Both branded to mark them as former bandits. * King Hargulka: king of the trolls; appeared to be setting up a monster kingdom to the west of Lakeside.
    68 KB (12,026 words) - 22:40, 1 July 2020