Forest of Andor/To Kill a Dinosaur

From David's Notebook
< Forest of Andor
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Fresh from the radiant pool and loaded up with spare battery packs, the party head North again hoping that they are aiming for the mountain pass.

As if from nowhere, two Dryads appear and ask for help - there are a couple of large reptiles nearby that keep eating the Sacred Trees™ and nothing the Dryads do seems to scare them off.

After a quick, private conversation the group decide to see what they can do, however Calla for reason pledges to help them no matter what.

Following directions a huge nest is quickly located, along with the aforementioned tree-eaters. Calla tries to approach them, however they are spooked and start to move forward threateningly leaving the rest with little option but to attack!

Fletcher blocks their path with some burning sands while Calla retreats, and Jadrol tries to circle around and get closer. Grel takes to the sky and peppers the closest with arrows and Calla summons a Flaming sphere to scare them.

The sphere works and they are hesitant to attack despite the beating they are getting.

Eventually one of them collapses to the ground, and Grel, seeing the fear in its eyes heals it enough to get it back on its feet.

The other one however runs into the now burning nest and saves their young from a fiery doom. Not seeing Grels kind act, Fletcher downs the first beast again however Grel soon gets it back to its feet.

With their nest burning, the family flee to the East allowing Jadrol to protect a nearby tree while Calls douses the flames.

Returning to the grateful Dryads, Calla and Grel are rewarded with custom artwork on their Staff and Bow.