Dorduk World Info

From David's Notebook
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Deities in Dorduk

Waukeen is the primary deity in the region as the duchy's wealth is based in agriculture and trade.

DM note - Feel free to add domains if you wish to expand one of the below, or just make one up.

Waukeen (TN, market) - Domains: Travel, Seasons, ...
Pelor (LG, sun) - Domains: Good, Sun, ...
Oghma (LN, knowledge) - Domains: Knowledge, ...
Talos (CE, catastrophe/storms)) - Domains: Evil, Storms, Destruction, ...
Sylvanus (CG, nature) - Domains: Good, Plant,
Valkur (NG, water) - Domains: Good, Water, Exploration, ...

People in Dorduk


Zachary - The Apothecary - A mage and potion maker
Belias - Zach's apprentice - low level mage

Harald Beech - The village Alderman

Cerndrik - The head priest of Waukeen
Gresham - low level priest- guide into the hills

Jenson Pulley - The inkeeper
Fanny - The barwench

Northwood Druid Circle

Cedarleaf Northwood - chief druid - an elf
Jiet Ki - second druid - human of eastern origin
Samuel Jovakssen - Master craftsman
Gard Holuf - Northwood ranger